
Aerosol Optical Depth

Aerosol Optical Depth Aerosol are airborne solid particles or liquid droplets that remain in suspension in the atmosphere for several hours and can have either natural or anthropogenic origin. The CCI Aerosol project provides long-term records of global aerosol properties such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles and other information on aerosol type.
Cloud Fraction

Cloud Fraction Clouds are formed from the condensation of water vapour on the surface of aerosol particles and, depending on their type, clouds have a warming or a cooling effect on Earth. The CCI Cloud project produces long-term coherent cloud property datasets such as cloud mask/fraction, cloud phase, cloud top pressure/height/temperature, cloud optical thickness, cloud effective radius and cloud liquid/ice water path.
Fire Burned Area

Fire Burned Area Wildfire is uncontrolled fire that occurs in natural landscapes (e.g., frost, grassland, savannah) and rural areas. The CCI Fire project aims to improve the consistency of burned area detection products at global scales such as sum of burned area and fraction of burnable area.
Greenhouse Gas CH4

Greenhouse Gas CH4 mixing ratio Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) naturally occur in the Earth's atmosphere as trace gases, but their concentrations have increased in recent years due to human activities. They are both greenhouse gases (GHG) and main drivers of global climate change. The CCI GHG project provides column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (molecular mixing ratios) of CO2 and CH4, denoted XCO2 and XCH4, respectively.
Greenhouse Gas CO2

Greenhouse Gas CO2 mixing ratio Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) naturally occur in the Earth's atmosphere as trace gases, but their concentrations have increased in recent years due to human activities. They are both greenhouse gases (GHG) and main drivers of global climate change. The CCI GHG project provides column-averaged dry-air mole fractions (molecular mixing ratios) of CO2 and CH4, denoted XCO2 and XCH4, respectively.
Land Cover Seasonality NDVI

Land Cover Seasonality NDVI Land cover is defined as the (bio)physical cover of the surface of the Earth including grass, trees, bare ground and water. The CCI Land Cover project provides a harmonised, stable and consistent account of long-term land cover status and change at global scale.
Land Cover Type

Land Cover Type Land cover is defined as the (bio) physical cover at the surface of the earth surface including grass, trees, bare ground and water. Land cover is fundamental to better understand the climate through the estimation and validation of fluxes of water, carbon, and energy. It plays a role in adaptation and mitigation assessments at various scales. The CCI Land Cover project aims to generate the longest possible global land cover map series that is temporally consistent and based on multi-mission EO instruments.
Land Cover Seasonality OGVI

Land Cover Seasonality OGVI Land cover is defined as the (bio)physical cover of the surface of the Earth including grass, trees, bare ground and water. The CCI Land Cover project provides a harmonised, stable and consistent account of long-term land cover status and change at global scale.
Oceancolour Chl-a Concentration

Oceancolour Chl-a Concentration The colour of the oceans (or ocean colour, OC) is determined by interactions of incident sunlight with substances or particles present in the water such as phytoplankton and suspended sediment. The CCI OC project combines observations from multiple satellite sensors to provide consistent and long-term ocean colour data globally.
Atmospheric Ozone Concentration

Atmospheric Ozone Concentration Ozone is a highly reactive gas in the atmosphere with both natural and antropogenic origin. The CCI Ozone project merges ozone profile data from several instruments to create a long-term, harmonised and consistent total ozone column dataset.
Ozone vertical profile

Ozone vertical profile Ozone is a highly reactive gas in the atmosphere with both natural and antropogenic origin. The CCI Ozone project merges ozone profile data from several instruments to create a long-term, harmonised and consistent total ozone column dataset.
Ozone annual minima

Ozone annual minima Ozone is a highly reactive gas in the atmosphere with both natural and antropogenic origin. The CCI Ozone project merges ozone profile data from several instruments to create a long-term, harmonised and consistent total ozone column dataset.
Permafrost extent

Permafrost extent Permafrost is ground that continuously remains below 0°C for two or more years. The CCI Permafrost project produces datasets on permafrost extent and fraction (distinguishing isolated (0-10%) sporadic (10-50%), discontinuous (50-90%) and continuous permafrost (90-100%)), active layer thickness and permafrost ground temperature.
Sea Ice Concentration

Sea Ice Concentration Sea ice is formed when seawater freezes and because of its lower density than seawater, sea ice floats on the ocean's surface. The CCI Sea Ice project generates long-term global sea ice thickness and sea ice concentration products.
Sea Ice Annual Minima

Sea Ice Annual Minima Polar sea ice is both an indicator and a driver of global climate change. We now have over 40 years of satellite data (since the late 1970s) to directly monitor its evolution in concentration, area and extent. The CCI Sea Ice project aims to advance the retrieval capability for two main variables: sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness.
Sea Ice Thickness

Sea Ice Thickness Polar sea ice is both an indicator and a driver of global climate change. We now have almost 30 years of satellite data (since the early 1990s) to monitor its evolution in thickness. The CCI Sea Ice project aims to advance the retrieval capability for two main variables: sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness.
Sea Level Anomaly

Sea Level Anomaly Sea level (or sea surface height) is the level of the surface of the oceans, which varies across the oceans due to circulation and currents, ocean topography, and can also rise (or fall) due to global warming (or cooling). The CCI Sea Level project generates long-term sea level change and sea level anomalies products at global scales.
Sea Ice Minima 3D

Sea Ice Minima 3D Polar sea ice is both an indicator and a driver of global climate change. Using satellite data over the last several decades we can directly monitor its concentration, area, extent and its thickness.
Seastate Significant Wave Height

Seastate Significant Wave Height Sea state is the statistical description of wind-generated ocean wave properties, including their height, period, and direction. The CCI Sea State project generates long-term mean significant wave height data from multiple satellite sensors.
Sea Surface Salinity

Sea Surface Salinity The salinity of seawater is defined as the total amount by weight of dissolved salts in one kilogram of seawater. Seawater salinity plays a key role in ocean circulation, the global water cycle and climate. The CCI Sea Surface Salinity project generates global salinity maps.
Snow Equivalent Water Depth

Snow Equivalent Water Depth Snow is solid precipitation that occurs in a variety of small ice crystals at temperatures below 0°C and as larger snowflakes at temperatures near 0°C. The CCI Snow project generates a long-term, global, daily product of snow water equivalent, which indicates the amount of accumulated snow on land surfaces (i.e., the amount of water contained within the snowpack).
Monthly Mean Soil Moisture

Monthly Mean Soil Moisture Soil moisture is the amount of water stored in the soil and depends on factors such as precipitation, temperature and soil characteristics. The CCI Soil Moisture project generages long-term, global daily soil moisture data (% of saturation).
Soil Moisture Anomaly

Soil Moisture Anomaly Soil moisture is the amount of water stored in the soil and depends on factors such as precipitation, temperature and soil characteristics. The CCI Soil Moisture project generages long-term, global daily soil moisture data (% of saturation).
Sea-Surface Temperature

Sea-Surface Temperature Sea surface temperature (SST) is the water temperature measured at the ocean's surface. The CCI SST project produces a long-term, global and harmonised dataset of SST exploiting multiple satellite instruments.
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly

Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Sea Surface temperature (SST) is a vital component of the climate system as it exerts a major influence on the exchanges of energy, momentum and gases between the ocean and atmosphere. The CCI Sea Surface Temperature project aims to make climate data records for SST longer, more stable and more accurate.
Lakes Surface Water Temperature

Lakes Surface Water Temperature Lakes are sentinels of climate change at local and global scales. Ranging greatly in their ecological characteristics, lake water bodies around the world play an important role in the water cycle and can be affected in various ways by climate change. The CCI Lakes project is developing satellite-derived products covering various aspects of lake characteristics, such as Lake Water Level, Lake Water Extent, Lake Surface Water temperature, Lake Ice Cover and Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance.
Icesheet Elevation Change

Icesheet Elevation Change Over the last decade, the Greenland Ice Sheet has shown rapid change, characterised by rapid thinning along the margins, accelerating outlet glaciers and overall increasing mass loss. The state of the Greenland Ice Sheet is of global importance and the CCI Greenland Ice Sheets project produces data products of five ECV parameters, which are catalytic in characterising the Greenland Ice Sheet.
  Icesheet Elevation Change

Ice Sheets Antarctic velocity Providing key parameters of Antarctic ice sheet data to improve our understanding of historical and present-day change in Antarctica, to assess the skill of the IPCC’s climate models, and to improve the accuracy of climate projections.

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